- adequate compensation
- достаточная компенсация
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics. 2014.
adequate compensation — n. Under eminent domain, the market value of property when taken. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
adequate compensation — Just value of property taken under power of eminent domain, payable in money, as guaranteed by 5th Amendment (Fifth Amendment). Market value of property when taken. It may include interest and may include the cost or value of the property to the… … Black's law dictionary
adequate compensation — Just value of property taken under power of eminent domain, payable in money, as guaranteed by 5th Amendment (Fifth Amendment). Market value of property when taken. It may include interest and may include the cost or value of the property to the… … Black's law dictionary
adequate compensation — The just and reasonable compensation to which an owner of property taken in an eminent domain proceeding is entitled. 27 Am J2d Em D § 266 … Ballentine's law dictionary
adequate compensation — appropriate recompense, suitable damages, proper repayment … English contemporary dictionary
compensation — com·pen·sa·tion /ˌkäm pən sā shən/ n 1: the act of compensating 2 in the civil law of Louisiana: the ending of mutual obligations between two people for money or quantities of fungible things usu. by operation of law but sometimes by an agreement … Law dictionary
adequate notice — noun ample notice, commensurate notice, fair notice, good notice, satisfactory notice, sufficient notice, suitable notice, valid notice associated concepts: adequate care, adequate compensation, adequate remedy at law, adequate security Burton s… … Law dictionary
adequate — 01. Too many children in this country are leaving home in the morning without having eaten an [adequate] meal. 02. Local parents are concerned over the [adequacy] of the school s program for children with special needs. 03. The equipment at the… … Grammatical examples in English
adequate — Sufficient; commensurate; equally efficient; equal to what is required; suitable to the case or occasion; satisfactory. Equal to some given occasion or work. Nissen v. Miller, 44 N.M. 487, 105 P.2d 324, 326 See also adequate care adequate cause… … Black's law dictionary
adequate — Sufficient; commensurate; equally efficient; equal to what is required; suitable to the case or occasion; satisfactory. Equal to some given occasion or work. Nissen v. Miller, 44 N.M. 487, 105 P.2d 324, 326 See also adequate care adequate cause… … Black's law dictionary
compensation — 01. He received almost half a million dollars in [compensation] after an accident in which the brakes on his new car failed. 02. No success can [compensate] for failure in the family. 03. Fifty dollars should be adequate [compensation] for the… … Grammatical examples in English